Plazma Burst 2 • View topic (2025)

For Plazma Burst 2.5, the multiplayer will change completely.
Concept art will be provided later (I'm on a different computer)

The gameplay stays the same with a few additions.
When you log onto multiplayer, you will be greeted to the same server list, but there are actual dedicated servers.
There are two types of missions: PvP and Co-Op
Pvp will be what you expect, two teams facing of against eachother but the big thing is: A loot system (no RNG)
Yup, character customisation is now based around a loot system.
For PvE there will be 6-8 minute missions where a team of 4 fight through NPC's while completing small objectives to summon a boss that will drop loot once killed. A few bits of dialogue would be nice (text or voice, doesn't really matter) If players would like to play with a team of four or less friends, there will be an option to start a party.
Once the party button is clicked you will be put into a screen with Host options on the top left, an option to leave the party on the bottom left, an option to invite people on the top right and an option to look for/start a game for your party. When the Host joins/starts a game, the party will join him automatically.
Host Options
The Host Options menu will have the following features:
Promote To Party Leader | Once this is clicked, the Host will be shown a list of the other people in his party that he/she would like to switch positions. This would most likely be used due to connection issues.

Kick Member | The Host will be shown a list of the party again and will click on the Member he would like to kick from the party (meaning they will be removed)

Disband | Once this is clicked, the host will be asked if he/she is sure that they want to disband the party. Once yes is clicked, the party will just close (meaning everyone leaves automatically)

Once this is clicked, the Host will be shown a bar that they would have to type the player's name in, once they type the players name they will click 'Invite Player'

(For the person who gets invited) There will be a small message box on the bottom of their screen with an option to join the party or decline the invite. If the player is in a game, the Host won't be able to send the invite.

Look for/Start a game
Once the Host clicks this button, a message will pop up on the screen asking them if they would like to Look for or start a game. If the Host want's to look for a game, they will be taken to the normal lobbies screen and has to choose a server with enough space, if there isn't enough space for everyone, then the party won't be able to join.

If the Host wants to start a game, they will be taken to a screen with the following features:

An option to choose between PvE/PvP

An option to decide the ping limit

A bar to type a password (if left empty there won't be one)


Once PvE is clicked, the screen will have some extensions added. There will be a list of missions to choose from and an option to select the difficulty (this will make the loot drop better)


Once PvP is clicked, the screen will have some extensions added. There will be an option to allow gear advantages or disable them (this will come into play with the loot system, if the box is ticked, the player will spawn with the gear that is in their inventory, this means that some players will be stronger than others, if the box is unticked, the map will have weapons that players will have to pick up so that the match is balanced)
The host will be able to decide the round time and the amount of rounds.

Once everything is done, the Host can start the game.

One of the big changes that I want to be made is the customization.


PVE: Once the boss is killed, the boss will de-materialise and a floating chest will be shown and when the player walks up to it, a message box shows up showing what they got. The name of the item will be above the picture of the item and under it, will be the power/defense level. Power for Weapons and defense for armour. Once you click OK, the Item will be sent to your inventory. Each player gets their own loot, meaning some one in your team can get a chest piece while some one else can get a Primary weapon. Now of course, there will have to be a level cap to the items and PvE levels and I have the answer to that. PvE levels will be on the same level of the host so make sure your party are within your power range. For the level cap, the game will receive an update every month which will increase the cap points by 35. For example, On the first month of PB 2.5, the Attack/Defense cap will be 100 and then a month later , the game will get an update with bug fixes and then the Attack/Defense cap will be 135. Simple.

PVP: After every PvP match you finish, you will be shown your item that you got just like you would in PvE. The chance of you getting good loot depends on whether if your team wins and if you're 1st place in your team so if you lose, you can still get better loot than your team (if you're first)


To access your inventory, you will have to scroll to the top of the page and next to your Profile there will be a tab called inventory which will open the inventory tab.
The max inventory space is 30 (the amount of stuff you can hold in your pocket)
So the inventory boxes will be on the left and on the right will be your gear selection.


So on the right half of the Inventory page will be a picture of your character (facing right because it's 2D) with the Primary Slung over his/her back, a secondary on your leg and a tool on your hip.You will have 4 boxes on the left and right. The boxes on the left will be for weapons and the boxes on the right will be for armour.











Primary Weapon Types:
Automatic Rifle
Burst Fire Rifle
Semi-Automatic Rifle

Secondary Weapon Types:
Sniper Rifle

Melee Weapon Types:

Tool Types:
Ammo Box

Primary Weapons:

Assault Rifle CS-RC
Assault Rifle C-01r
Alien Rifle
MiniGun C-02m
Ray Rifle-TcoRR

Assault Rifle C-01r Mk.II
Assault Rifle CS-RC Mk.II
Alien Blaster
Minigun PRIME
Ray Rifle M0122
Scorcher (Burst Fire Rifle)
Shotgun CS-DAZ
Shotgun C-01r

Imagination Maker - Each kill gives you 10HP (Handgun)
The Little Devil - Your victim's corpse sets on fire when killed (Handgun)
The Firework - Has Explosive Bullets (Handgun)
Revealer - Each enemy you kill with this weapon drops a little bit of ammo for it (Handgun)
The Bouncer - Bullets bounce of walls they don't hurt team mates (Burst Fire Rifle)
Heart Braker - If another enemy is close to your victim, they lose 10HP once your victim get's killed. (Burst Fire Rifle)
Mercy - The last burst is infinite but every time you shoot it takes away 10HP (Burst Fire Rifle)
The Rapid Tool - Reload speed is VERY fast (Semi automatic Rifle)
ShadowMaker - Getting a double kill makes you invisible for 4 seconds (Semi Automatic Rifle)
The Firework PRIME - Enemy corpses explodes, they only hurt enemies (Semi Automatic Rifle)
Starry Night - If your victim is killed with a headshot, the closest enemy to him/her gets blinded for 2 seconds (Semi Automatic Rifle)
Half Way There - The bottom half of each magazine does additional damage. (Assault Rifle)
Non Stop Action - Every kill reloads your weapon automatically. (Assault rifle)
The Pricker - One random bullet in each magazine poisons your victim for two seconds (Handgun)

The Imaginary Devil - Each kill gives you 10HP and sets your victim's corpse on fire (Handgun)
The Revealing Firework - Has explosives and your enemies drop a bit of ammo (Handgun)
The Heart Braking Bouncer - Bullets bounce of walls and if an enemy is killed, their closest friendly loses 10HP (Burst Fire Rifle)
The Tool Of Mery - The last burst is infinite and it takes away 10HP every time you shoot and reload speed is increased (Burst Fire Rifle)
The Dark Firework - Getting a double kill makes you invisible and victim's corpses explode (Semi Automatic Rifle)
The Half Starry Night - If your enemy is killed with a headshot, the closest enemy to their body gets blinded for 2 seconds and the bottom half of each magazine does extra damage. (Semi Automatic Rifle)
The Non Stop Pricker - In each magazine, a random bullet poisons your enemy and each kill reloads your weapon automatically (Handgun)

Secondary Weapons:

Pistol CS-Pro
Pistol C-01p
Alien Pistol

Sniper Rifle CS-YipeeKiYay
Pistol CS-Vet
Pistol C-01p Mk.II
Alien Pistol Mk.XV

The Eagle - Crouching makes you see further (Sniper Rifle)
The Speedster - Killing an enemy makes your nearby allies faster for 3 seconds (Pistol)

The Only One - Crouching makes you see further and killing an enemy makes nearby allies faster for 3 seconds.



Head Protecter
Head Protecter Mk.II
Head Protecter Mk.III
Head Protecter Mk.IV

Steven's Fave
The Yellow Casual
The Fighters Helm
The Middle Man
It Protects Your Head
Head Pun

The Angel - Landing hits Mid-Air will heal your health fully
Dasher - Pressing A or D twice very quickly will launch you forward. Recharge time is 6 seconds
Slammer - When airborne, hold A to do a ground slam that pushes enemies back.
The Bulk - Getting a melee kill fully restores your health.

The Dashing Angel - Landing hits Mid-Air will restore your health and pressing A or D twice will boost you forwards.
The Bulky Slammer - Melee kills restores your health and holding A Mid-Air will trigger a ground slam which launches enemies back.


Chest protecter
The Protecter of The Chest
Chest protecter Mk.V

Cover Your Chest
Z Type
Z Type Mk.II
Ashed Chest

Painful Dash - Dashing into an enemy damages them by 35HP, 6 second recharge.
The Reversal - When meleed, you deal damage in an area around you.
Don't Touch Me - When meleed, you turn invisible for 5 seconds.
Strong Arm - Increases grenade throw distance
Tyson's Dream - Melee hit's replenish 5HP
Amazing Vision - Increases field of view

The Painful Reversal - Dashing into an enemy damages them and getting meleed will make you invisible for 5 secs.
Don't Touch My Strong Arm - When meleed you turn invisible for 5 seconds and you throw grenades further.
Tyson's Amazing Dream - Melee hit's replenish 5HP and you can see further.


Puncher Mk.II
Puncher Mk.III

Core of Pain
Arm Protecters

Eastwood's Quick Machines - Handgun's fire unbelievably fast.
Arms Of Steel - Knuckleduster melees stun enemies for 3 seconds.
Quick Loaders - Increased Reload speed
The Suppliers - Carry more ammo

Eastwood's Quick Machines of Steel - Handgun's fire faster and Knuckleduster's stun enemies.
Quick Loaders Mk.II - Reload faster and carry more ammo.


Coriant Type One
Coriant Type Two
Coriant Type One Mk.II
Starters Legs

The Sir
The Ol' kicker

The Low Runners - Increased crouch speed
High Jumpers - Jump higher
Soft Landers - Holding W mid-air will trigger a glide so you land softly.
The Almighty Italian - You can now double jump.

The High Runners - Increased crouch speed and Increased Jump Height
The Almighty Landers - Holding W mid-air will trigger a glide and you can double jump.

Well, I know there is a lot wrong with this so please, be as critical as possible and you can even come up with some of your own ideas and reply!

I'm aware I talked about re-loading, so that means there will have to be some sort of ammo system


I'm aware that it's a flash game and that there are limits but a man can dream.


REMINDERS (This is a way for me to answer questions without getting a warning, so if I update with an answer to your question, take the hint)

- There will be a level cap on weapons and armour. (I'm English)
- Seeing how unlimited ammo is a tradition in this game, things can be changed don't kill me please.
- For PvP, there is an option to enable player gear or not. (So if it's unticked then people will pick up balanced weapons)
- I'm don't intend to turn this into an RPG, just want to add more playtime or some more content for completionists.
- Being salty about gear is a core element of why I wan't this to happen. It can get the game more attention and in future updates there can be additional items.
- Some names are inspired from other games...
But that means I'm admiring other peoples work, it can be changed I just couldn't come up with better names.


Plazma Burst 2 • View topic (2025)


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