Pokemon Location Guide (2024)

Please view the updated Pokemon Location Guide V2 by Shattered Skys

--Thank you for your effort Nickaboo

I figured an all-inclusive guide to Pokemon locations would be a good thing. Help me with the ones that are question marks, please Pokemon Location Guide (1)

NOTE: Some spoilers within.


Bulbasaur: Starter Pokemon. Can also be found on Azurine Island (After saving Cain from the Breeding Facility, there will be a man who will give you an abused Bulbasaur if you show him a Chimecho)

Ivysaur: Evolve Bulbasaur

Venusaur: Evolve Ivysaur

Charmander: Starter Pokemon

Charmeleon: Evolve Charmander

Charizard: Evolve Charmeleon

Squirtle: Starter Pokemon

Wartortle: Evolve Squirtle

Blastoise: Evolve Wartortle

Caterpie: Grass in the Secret Garden in the Lower Peridot Ward

Metapod: Evolve Caterpie

Butterfree: Evolve Metapod

Weedle: Breed Beedrill

Kakuna: Evolve Weedle

Beedrill: Found in the Jasper Ward/ Malchous Forest

Pidgey: Rooftop in Onyx Ward

Pidgeotto: Headbuttable Trees (Chrysolia Forest)

Pidgeot: Evolve Pidgeotto

Rattata: Grass in Opal Ward and Lower Peridot Ward. Probably others.

Raticate: Evolve Rattata

Spearow: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward, probably others), Grass in Beryl Ward

Fearow: Grass in Beryl Ward

Ekans: Grass in Opal Ward, Beryl Ward

Arbok: Grass in Beryl Ward

Pikachu: Evolve Pichu

Raichu: Evolve Pikachu

Sandshrew: Under the Grand Stairway, Tanzan Mountain

Sandslash: Tanzan Mountain

Nidoran♀: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Nidorina: Evolve Nidoran♀

Nidoqueen: Evolve Nidorina

Nidoran♂: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Nidorino: Evolve Nidoran♂

Nidoking: Evolve Nidorino

Clefairy: Evolve Cleffa

Clefable: Evolve Clefairy

Vulpix: Salon in West Obsidia Ward. Show the woman with the Vulpix a Pokemon with high friendship, and she will give it to you.

Ninetails: Evolve Vulpix

Jigglypuff: Evolve Igglybuff

Wigglytuff: Evolve Jigglypuff

Zubat: Underground Railnet

Golbat: Tanzan Mountain

Oddish: Obsida Park, Chrysolia Forest, Tanzan Cove

Gloom: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest

Vileplume: Evolve Gloom

Paras: Tanzan Cove (probably another place)

Parasect: Tanzan Cove

Venonat: Rooftop in Onyx Ward

Venomoth: Evolve Venonat

Diglett: Under the Grand Stairway

Dugtrio: Evolve Diglett

Meowth: Grass in Opal Ward

Persian: Evolve Meowth

Psyduck: Onyx Game Corner for 1,500 coins

Golduck: Evolve Psyduck

Mankey: Obsidia Slums

Primeape: Evolve Mankey

Growlithe: Obtainable after finding all five missing policemen in the Jasper/Beryl Wards

Arcanine: Evolve Growlithe

Poliwag: Tanzan Cove

Poliwhirl: Evolve Poliwag

Poliwrath: Evolve Poliwhirl

Abra: Trade for a Bibarel in the West Peridot Ward

Kadabra: Evolve Abra

Alakazam: Evolve Kadabra with a Linkstone

Machop: Pyrous Mountain

Machoke: Pyrous Mountain

Machamp: Evolve Machoke with a Linkstone

Bellsprout: Rooftop in Onyx Ward, Tanzan Cove

Weepinbell: Tanzan Cove

Victreebell: Evolve Weepinbell

Tentacool: N/A

Tentacruel: N/A

Geodude: Under the Grand Stairway

Graveller: Evolve Geodude

Golem: Evolve Graveller with a Linkstone

Ponyta: Magma/Aqua Gang storyline

Rapidash: Evolve Ponyta

Slowpoke: N/A

Slowbro: N/A

Magnemite: Abandoned Factory (Shade's Gym)

Magneton: Evolve Magnemite

Farfetch'd: Azurine Island (Headbuttable Trees)

Doduo: Grass in Jasper Ward

Dodrio: Evolve Doduo

Seel: N/A

Dewgong: N/A

Grimer: Fishing in Coral Ward, Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Muk: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Shellder: N/A

Cloyster: N/A

Gastly: Byxbysion Wasteland. Video guide: http://youtu.be/smU1LIo16Ys?t=1m39s

Haunter: Evolve Gastly

Gengar: Evolve Haunter with Linkstone

Onix: Tanzan Mountain

Drowzee: N/A

Hypno: N/A

Krabby: Apophyll Beach

Kingler: Evolve Krabby

Voltorb: ?

Electrode: ?

Exeggcute: Azurine Island (headbuttable trees)

Exeggutor: Evolve Exeggcute

Cubone: Byxbysion Wasteland Grass

Marowak: Evolve Cubone

Hitmonlee: N/A

Hitmonchan: N/A

Lickitung: N/A

Koffing: Alleyway in West Peridot Ward

Weezing: Evolve Koffing

Rhyhorn: N/A

Rhydon: N/A

Chansey: Evolve Happiny

Tangela: Jasper/Beryl Wards

Kangaskhan: ?

Horsea: N/A

Seadra: N/A

Goldeen: Fishing in Peridot Ward/Tanzan Cove (Old Rod)

Seaking: Evolve Goldeen, Fishing Peridot Ward (Good Rod) or Tanzan Cove (Old Rod)

Staryu: N/A

Starmie: N/A

Mr. Mime: Evolve Mime Jr.

Scyther: N/A

Jynx: N/A

Electabuzz: Evolve Elekid

Magmar: Evolve Magby

Pinsir: N/A

Tauros: Route 1

Magikarp: Purchase in Opal Ward for Pokemon Location Guide (2)4000

Gyarados: Evolve Magikarp

Lapras: N/A

Ditto: West Peridot Ward Factory (after finishing Daycare Couple storyline) Guide: http://youtu.be/UEoCuDInp5U?t=4m

Eevee: Chrysolia Forest event. Guide: http://youtu.be/Irejv73-kX0?t=1m

Vaporeon: Evolve Eevee

Jolteon: Evolve Eevee

Flareon: Evolve Eevee

Porygon: Computer in the Onyx Academy

Omanyte: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town

Omastar: Evolve Omanyte

Kabuto: Find Fossil in Mining Stones, take Fossil to the museum in Spinel Town

Kabutops: Evolve Kabuto

Aerodactyl: N/A

Snorlax: Evolve Munchlax

Articuno: N/A

Zapdos: N/A

Moltres: N/A

Dratini: N/A

Dragonair: N/A

Dragonite: N/A

Mewtwo: N/A

Mew: N/A


Chikorita: Starter Pokemon

Bayleef: Evolve Chikorita

Meganium: Evolve Bayleef

Cyndaquil: Starter Pokemon

Quilava: Evolve Cyndaquil

Typhlosion: Evolve Quilava

Totodile: Starter Pokemon

Croconaw: Evolve Totodile

Feraligatr: Evolve Croconaw

Sentret: Obsidia Park

Furret: Evolve Sentret

Hoothoot: Secret Garden in Lower Peridot Ward (nighttime)

Noctowl: Evolve Hoothoot

Ledyba: Jasper/Beryl Wards

Ledian: Chrysolia Forest Grass, Tanzan Cove Grass

Spinarak: Opal Ward Grass (nighttime)

Ariados: Chrysolia Forest/Tanzan Cove Grass (nighttime)

Crobat: Evolve Golbat

Chinchou: Magma Gang Storyline

Lanturn: Evolve Chinchou/Fishing somewhere

Pichu: Hiding behind a tree on the rooftop in Onyx Ward

Cleffa: Enter abandoned building in West Peridot Ward at night, there will be two Team Meteors conspiring. Then, go to the house in West Peridot with the woman with Cleffa/Igglybuff. Once you defeat the Meteor members, you will be able to receive one.

Igglybuff: See Cleffa

Togepi: Quiz in the Coral Ward (Guide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4de_xOUm59w)

Togetic: Evolve Togepi

Natu: N/A

Xatu: N/A

Mareep: Trade for Growlithe in the Jasper Ward

Flaafy: Evolve Mareep

Ampharos: Evolve Flaafy

Bellossom: Evolve Gloom

Marill: Evolve Azurill

Azumarill: Evolve Marill

Sudowoodo: Evolve Bonsly, South Aventurine Woods

Politoed: Use Linkstone on Poliwhirl holding King's Rock (King's Rock can only be obtained with Pickup)

Hoppip: Obsidia Ward on a windy day

Skiploom: Evolve Hoppip

Jumpluff: Evolve Skiploom

Aipom: Headbutt Trees in Beryl Ward

Sunkern: Breed Sunflora

Sunflora: Obsidia Park

Yanma: Headbuttable Trees on Azurine Island

Wooper: Azurine Island

Quagsire: Azurine Island

Espeon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in Daytime)

Umbreon: Evolve Eevee (friendship in nighttime)

Murkrow: Aqua Gang Hideout (Lapis Ward) nighttime on a windy day

Slowking: N/A

Misdreavus: Hide and Seek in Byxbysion Wasteland at night

Unown: Under the Grand Stairway, Headbuttable trees in Byxbysion Wasteland

Wobbufett: N/A

Giraffarig: N/A

Pineco: Headbuttable Trees

Forretress: Evolve Pineco

Dunsparce: Cave in Beryl Ward

Gligar: Rooftop in Beryl Ward on a windy day

Steelix: Linkstone on Onix with Metal Coat (Metal Coat is where you battle Giant Steelix)

Snubbull: Girl in West Peridot Ward will give it to you when you have two badges

Granbull: Evolve Snubbull

Quilfish: N/A

Scizor: N/A

Shuckle: ? (possibly apophyll beach rock smash)

Heracross: N/A

Sneasel: N/A

Teddiursa: Hide and Seek in Peridot Ward (ends under Opal Bridge)

Ursaring: Evolve Teddiursa

Slugma: Pyrous Mountain

Magcargo: Pyrous Mountain

Swinub: Tanzan Cove, Tanzan Mountain

Piloswine: Evolve Swinub

Corsola: Apophyll Beach during thunderstorm

Remoraid: Fountain in Chrysolia Forest

Octillery: Evolve Remoraid

Delibird: N/A

Mantine: Evolve Mantyke

Skarmory: N/A

Houndour: Magma Gang Hideout (North Obsidia Ward)

Houndoom: Evolve Houndour

Kingdra: N/A

Phanpy: Beryl Ward Grass

Donphan: Evolve Phanpy

Porygon2: Linkstone on Porygon while holding Upgrade

Stantler: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest Grass

Smeargle: Mysidia Cave

Tyrogue: N/A

Hitmontop: N/A

Smoochum: N/A

Elekid: Rooftop in Beryl Ward on a stormy night

Magby: Under Opal Bridge during Rain

Miltank: Route 1

Blissey: Evolve Chansey

Raikou: N/A

Entei: N/A

Suicune: N/A

Larvitar: N/A

Pupitar: N/A

Tyranitar: N/A

Lugia: N/A

Ho-Oh: N/A

Celebi: N/A


Treecko: Starter Pokemon

Grovyle: Evolve Treecko

Sceptile: Evolve Grovyle

Torchic: Starter Pokemon

Combusken: Evolve Torchic

Blaziken: Evolve Combusken

Mudkip: Starter Pokemon, Event in Byxbysion Wasteland. Guide: http://youtu.be/BaYkHMIFWp8?t=6m25s

Marshtomp: Evolve Mudkip

Swampert: Evolve Marshtomp

Poochyena: Alleyways in Peridot Ward

Mightyena: Evolve Poochyena

Zigzagoon: Event Pokemon in the Obsidia Alleyway

Linoone: Evolve Zigzagoon

Wurmple: Secret Garden in Peridot Ward (Grass)

Silcoon: Evolve Wurmple

Beautifly: Evolve Silcoon

Cascoon: Evolve Wurmple

Dustox: Evolve Cascoon

Lotad: Pier in the Coral Ward on a rainy day

Lombre: Evolve Lotad

Ludicolo: Evolve Lombre

Seedot: Breed Nuzleaf

Nuzleaf: Clearing on the other side of the Beryl Ward Cave (Event Pokemon, you must fight a team of Nuzleaf/Shiftry to be able to catch Nuzleaf)

Shiftry: Evolve Nuzleaf

Tailow: Chrysolia Forest (headbuttable trees)

Swellow: Evolve Tailow

Wingull: Apophyll Beach

Pelliper: Evolve Wingull, Apophyll Beach

Ralts: Lower Peridot Ward Event, pay the "Ahm not a hoozin what's a bunker-luscious" guy repeatedly until he moves

Kirlia: Evolve Ralts

Gardevoir: Evolve Kirlia

Surskit: Press C on the fountain in the West Peridot Ward while it's raining

Masquerian: Evolve Surskit

Shroomish: Azurine Island (Grass)

Breloom: Evolve Shroomish

Slakoth: Obsidia Park at Night

Vigoroth: Evolve Slakoth

Slaking: Evolve Vigoroth

Nincada: Byxbysion Wasteland (Rock Smash)

Ninjask: Evolve Nincada

Shedinja: Evolve Nincada with an empty slot in your party

Whismur: Empty house in Lower Peridot Ward

Loudred: Evolve Whismur

Exploud: Evolve Loudred

Makuhita: Obsidia Slums

Hariyama: Evolve Makuhita

Azurill: Jasper Ward Event, talk to the guy who lost his Azurill, find it in an abandoned building, and the guy won't be there when you try to return it

Nosepass: ?

Skitty: Give a Hyper Potion to the boy in the house next to the Coral Ward Pokemon Center

Delcatty: Evolve Skitty

Sableye: N/A

Mawile: Underground Railnet

Aron: Underground Railnet (headbutt poles)

Lairon: Evolve Aron

Aggron: Evolve Lairon

Meditite: N/A

Medicham: N/A

Electrike: Next to Peridot Gym during a thunderstorm at night

Manectric: Evolve Electrike

Plusle: Obsidia Alleyway

Minun: Obsidia Alleyway

Volbeat/Illumise: Chrysolia Forest

Roselia: Evolve Budew

Gulpin: N/A

Swalot: N/A

Carvanha: Team Aqua Storyline

Sharpeedo: Evolve Carvanha

Wailmer: N/A

Wailord: N/A

Numel: West Peridot Ward during rain after defeating Florinia, Pyrous Mountain

Camerupt: Evolve Numel

Torkoal: Pyrous Mountain

Spoink: Find in Obsidia Ward, then in Coral Ward Warehouses after Daycare Storyline

Grumpig: Evolve Spoink

Spinda: Either being bullied by thugs on Opal Bridge OR in an apartment building in the West Peridot Ward

Trapinch: Game Corner for 10,000 coins

Vibrava: Evolve Trapinch

Flygon: Evolve Vibrava

Cacnea: N/A

Cacturne: N/A

Swablu: N/A

Altaria: N/A

Zangoose: Hide and Seek in all the Alleyways (West Peridot, Lower Peridot, Obsidia, North Obsidia, Lapis)

Seviper: Tanzan Cave

Lunatone: Under the Grand Stairway OR in the Tanzan Caves (Nighttime)

Solrock: Same as Lunatone, except Daytime

Barboach: Cave in Chrysolia Forest (Good Rod)

Wiscash: Evolve Barboach

Corphish: Apophyll Beach (Rock Smash)

Crawdaunt: Evolve Corphish

Baltoy: N/A

Claydol: N/A

Lileep: Fossils

Cradily: Evolve Lileep

Anorith: Fossils

Armaldo: Evolve Anorith

Feebas: N/A

Milotic: N/A

Castform: Trade to a girl in Obsidia Ward for a Furret

Kecleon: Tanzan Mountain

Shuppet: Beryl Cemetery (check the tombstones)

Bannette: Evolve Shuppet

Duskull: Abandoned Factory

Dusclops: Evolve Duskull

Tropius: Rhodochrine Jungle during a Sunny Day (event Pokemon)

Chimecho: Evolve Chingling

Absol: N/A

Wynaut: Labrynth

Snorunt: N/A

Glalie: N/A

Spheal: N/A

Sealeo: N/A

Walrein: N/A

Clamperl; N/A

Huntail: N/A

Gorebyss: N/A

Relicanth: N/A

Luvdisc: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)

Bagon: N/A

Shellgon; N/A

Salamence: N/A

Beldum: N/A

Metang: N/A

Metagross: N/A

Regirock: N/A

Regice: N/A

Registeel: N/A

Latias: N/A

Latios: N/A

Kyogre: N/A

Groudon: N/A

Rayquaza: N/A

Jirachi: N/A

Deoxys: N/A


Turtwig: Starter Pokemon

Grotle: Evolve Turtwig

Torterra: Evolve Grotle

Chimchar: Starter Pokemon

Monferno: Evolve Chimchar

Infernape: Evolve Monferno

Piplup: Starter Pokemon

Prinplup: Evolve Piplup

Empoleon: Evolve Prinplup

Starly: Rooftop in Onyx Ward on a windy day

Staravia: Evolve Starly

Staraptor: Evolve Staravia

Bidoof: Opal Ward, Peridot Garden (Grass)

Bibarel: Evolve Bidoof

Kricketot: Apartment Building in Lower Peridot Ward (closest to the Underground Railnet)

Kricketune: Evolve Kricketot

Shinx: Game Corner for 4,000 Coins

Luxio: Evolve Shinx

Luxray: Evolve Luxio

Budew: Peridot Garden (Grass)

Roserade: Evolve Roselia

Cranidos: Fossils

Rampardos: Evolve Cranidos

Shieldon: Fossils

Bastiodon: Evolve Shieldon

Burmy: Azurine Island (Headbuttable trees)

Wormadam: Evolve Female Burmy

Mothim: Evolve Male Burmy

Combee: Headbuttable Trees (Opal Ward)

Vespiqueen: Evolve Female Combee

Pachirisu: Save from street thugs on the Opal Bridge OR in an apartment in the Peridot Ward

Cherubi: Peridot Garden (grass)

Cherrim: Evolve Cherubi

Shellos: Azurine Island (Grass)

Gastrodon: Evolve Shellos

Ambipom: Evolve Aipom

Drifloon: Near the Abandoned Powerplant on a windy day

Drifblim: Evolve Drifloon

Buneary: Obsidia Park

Lopunny: Evolve Buneary

Mismagius: Evolve Misdreavus

Honchkrow: Evolve Murkrow

Glameow: Salon in East Obsidia Ward, talk to a lady there, talk to the people in the West Obsidia Salon, then go back. The'll give you a Glameow

Purugly: Evolve Glameow

Chingling: Under the Grand Stairway

Stunky: Alleyways

Skuntank: Evolve Stunky

Bronzor: N/A

Bronzong: N/A

Bonsly: Obsidia Park around noon (grass)

Mime Jr: Opal Bridge, you need to sneak up behind it to encounter it

Happiny: Coral Ward Warehouse

Chatot: Chrysolia Forest (Headbuttable Trees)

Spiritomb: Byxbysion Grotto, you'll need an Odd Keystone

Gible: N/A

Gabite: N/A

Garchomp: N/A

Munchlax: Byxbysion Wasteland (Headbuttable Trees)

Riolu: Trade for a Luvdisc in Apophyll Academy

Lucario: Evolve Riolu

Hippopotas: N/A

Hippowdon: N/A

Skorupi: Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass)

Drapion: Evolve Skorupi

Croagunk: Cave near Abandoned Powerplant (Rock Smash)

Toxicroak: Evolve Croagunk

Carnivine: Jasper Ward

Finneon: Peridot Ward Swimming Pool (Old Rod)

Lumineon: Evolve Finneon, Peridot Swimming Pool (Good Rod)

Mantyke: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)

Snover: N/A

Abomasnow: N/A

Weaville: N/A

Magnezone: Level Magneton up in the Abandoned Powerplant

Lickilicky: N/A

Rhyperior: N/A

Tangrowth: Evolve Tangela

Electivire: Linkstone on Electabuzz while holding Electirizer (5% chance hold item on Elekid)

Magmortar: N/A

Togekiss: Evolve Togetic

Yanmega: Evolve Yanma

Leafeon: Level Eevee up near Moss Rock (Chrysolia Forest)

Glaceon: N/A

Gliscor: N/A

Mamoswine: Evolve Piloswine

Porygon Z: N/A

Gallade: Evolve Male Kirlia with Dawn Stone

Probopass: Level up Nosepass in Abandoned Powerplant

Dusknoir: N/A

Froslass: N/A

Rotom: N/A

Uxie: N/A

Mesprit: N/A

Azelf: N/A

Dialga: N/A

Palkia: N/A

Heatran: N/A

Regigigas: N/A

Giratina: N/A

Cresselia: N/A

Phione: N/A

Manaphy: N/A

Darkrai: N/A

Shaymin: N/A

Arceus: N/A


Victini: N/A

Snivy: Starter Pokemon

Servine: Evolve Snivy

Serperior: Evolve Servine

Tepig: Starter Pokemon, Event in Pyrous Mountain. Guide: http://youtu.be/BaYkHMIFWp8?t=1s

Pignite: Evolve Tepig

Emboar: Evolve Pignite

Oshawott: Starter Pokemon

Dewott: Evolve Oshawott

Samurott: Evolve Dewott

Patrat: Opal Ward (Grass)

Watchog: Evolve Patrat

Lillipup: Hide and Seek in Onyx, Obsidia, and Peridot Wards

Herdier: Evolve Lillipup

Stoutland: Evolve Herdier

Purrloin: Alleyway in West Peridot Ward

Liepard: Evolve Purrloin

Pansage: Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle

Simisage: Evolve Pansage

Pansear: N/A

Simisear: N/A

Panpour: N/A

Simipour: N/A

Munna: Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass)

Musharna: Evolve Munna

Pidove: Peridot Garden (Headbuttable Trees)

Tranquill: Evolve Pidove

Unfeazant: Evolve Tranquill

Blitzle: Chrysolia Forest

Zebstrika: Evolve Blitzle

Roggenrola: Cave in Rhodochrine Jungle

Boldore: Evolve Roggenrola

Gigalith: Evolve Boldore with a Linkstone

Woobat: Underground Railnet

Swoobat: Evolve Woobat

Drilbur: Tanzan Mountain (Depths)

Excadrill: Evolve Drilbur

Audino: N/A

Timburr: N/A

Gurdurr: N/A

Conkeldurr: N/A

Tympole: Breed Palpitoad

Palpitoad: Azurine Island

Seismitoad: Evolve Palpitoad

Throh: N/A

Sawk: N/A

Sewaddle: Jasper Ward

Swadloon: Evolve Sewaddle

Leavanny: Evolve Swadloon

Venipede: Jasper Ward

Whirlipede: Evolve Venipede

Scolipede: Evolve Whirlipede

Cottonee: North Obsidia Ward Event (Windy day)

Whimsicott: Evolve Cottonee

Petilil: Obsidia Park during a Sunny Day

Lilligant: Evolve Petilil

Basculin: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod)

Sandile: Tanzan Mountain

Krokorok: Evolve Sandile

Krookodile: Evolve Krokorok

Darumaka: N/A

Darmanitan: N/A

Maractus: N/A

Dwebble: Apophyll Beach (Rock Smash)

Crustle: Evolve Dwebble

Scraggy: Obsidia Slums Event. Return to the slums after defeating the first Tangrowth. It will be behind a once-closed door

Scrafty: Evolve Scraggy

Siglyph: N/A

Yamask: Abandoned Powerplant

Confa*grigus: Evolve Yamask

Tirtouga: N/A

Carracosta: N/A

Archen: N/A

Archeops: N/A

Trubbish: Opal Ward (Grass), Peridot Ward (Alleyways), Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass)

Garbodor: Evolve Trubbish

Zorua: Hide and Seek in Alleyways

Zoroark: Evolve Zorua

Minccino: Chrysolia Forest

Cinccino: Evolve Minccino

Gothita: N/A

Gothorita: N/A

Gothielle: N/A

Solosis: N/A

Duosion: N/A

Reuniclus: N/A

Ducklett: Tanzan Cove (Grass)

Swanna: Tanzan Cove (Grass), Evolve Ducklett

Vanillite: Ice Cream Machine in Spinel Town

Vanillish: Evolve Vanillite

Vanilluxe: Evolve Vanillish

Deerling: Chrysolia Forest (Grass)

Sawsbuck: Evolve Deerling

Emolga: Jasper Ward Event, one is sleeping in the street on a windy day

Karrablast: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest

Escavelier: Trade Shelmet for Karrablast in Spinel Town

Shelmet: Azurine Island

Accelgor: Trade Karrablast for Shelmet in Spinel Town

Foongus: Azurine Island

Amoongus: Azurine Island

Frillish: N/A

Jellicent: N/A

Alomomola: N/A

Joltik: N/A

Glavantula: N/A

Ferroseed: N/A

Ferrothorn: N/A

Klink: Underground Railnet

Klang: Underground Railnet

Klinklang: Evolve Klang

Tynamo: Cave in Chrysolia Forest (Good Rod)

Eelektrik: Evolve Tynamo

Eelektross: Evolve Eelektrik

Elgyem: N/A

Beheeyem: N/A

Litwick: N/A

Lampent: N/A

Chandelure: N/A

Axew: N/A

Fraxure: N/A

Haxorus: N/A

Cubchoo: N/A

Beartic: N/A

Cryogonal: Trade for Pidgeot in Chrysolia Forest House

Stunfisk: Apophyll Cave

Mienfoo: N/A

Mienshao: N/A

Druddigon: N/A

Golett: N/A

Golurk: N/A

Pawniard: N/A

Bisharp: N/A

Bouffalant: Route 1

Rufflet: N/A

Braviary: N/A

Vullaby: N/A

Mandibuzz: N/A

Heatmor: Pyrous Mountain Event

Durant: Tanzan Cave

Deino: N/A

Zweilous: N/A

Hydreigon: N/A

Larvesta: N/A

Volcarona: N/A

Cobalion: N/A

Terrakion: N/A

Virizion: N/A

Tornadus: N/A

Thundurus: N/A

Reshiram: N/A

Zekrom: N/A

Landorus: N/A

Kyurem: N/A

Keldeo: N/A

Meloetta: N/A

Genesect: N/A

That's all five current gens, I'm sill missing some, so let me know if you know the ones I've missed!

Pokemon Location Guide (2024)


How do I find Pokémon routes in my area? ›

You can see a list of nearby Routes by tapping on the nearby menu and tapping on the Route tab. This will show you nearby locations that serve as Route start points. Tap the See Nearby Routes to expand the map and see a list of available Routes.

Where are Pokémon found? ›

Finding wild Pokémon

Pokémon love places like parks, so try visiting a local recreational area. You can also attract more Pokémon to your location by using an item known as Incense. Some wild Pokémon will appear only in certain environments and climates.

What are the Pokémon routes? ›

Routes in Pokémon GO are pre-defined paths that Trainers can follow while exploring. These paths are created by Niantic, official partners, or other Trainers within the game. Routes start and end at PokéStops or Gyms.

How many Pokémon per route? ›

While doing some research for my game, I noticed that most routes settle on between 2-6 per route, depending on the size and how early or late in the game it is. Sometimes they have at least 8 different Pokemon.

How do I find Pokémon in my area? ›

One of the most reliable ways to find particular Pokémon is by using the Nearby screen, which shows you what Pokémon you can find vicinity, either in the wild or at Gyms. Tap the bar at the bottom right corner of the Map View to see which Pokémon are near your current location.

Why are there no Pokemon Go routes near me? ›

Sometimes Routes may not appear in the Nearby menu if you aren't close enough for them to appear. Try walking around your local area to see if new Routes become available. Why are there no Routes near me? We appreciate your excitement to participate in Routes!

Where is the rarest Pokemons? ›

The Lake Guardians - Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf

This is due to two very important factors - they're very rare spawn rate and that all three are regionally exclusive Pokémon. The Lake Guardians can be found in the following regions: Uxie - Asia and Pacific regions. Mesprit - Europe, Middle East, Africa and India.

What Pokémon are only in America? ›

Regional Exclusive Pokémon in North America for Pokémon Go: Tauros - Anywhere within the continent. Heracross - Southern Florida and Southern Texas. Illumise - Anywhere within the continent.

Where is each Pokemon region located? ›

Many regions are on separate continents with the earlier introduced regions (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh) being based on parts of Japan, with later regions being based on parts of the United States (Unova and Alola), France (Kalos), the United Kingdom (Galar), and the Iberian Peninsula (Paldea).

What is the 777 Pokémon? ›

Togedemaru - #777 - Serebii.net Pokédex.

How are Pokémon routes numbered? ›

The numbering of the routes in the Pokémon world may be a reference to Japan's own national route system, which goes from 1 to 58, then skips directly to 101, and afterwards skips several numbers.

How to make Pokemon GO routes? ›

There are two options to start creating a Route, you can either tap Create New Route from the Route section of the Nearby menu, or scroll to the Routes section of your Trainer Profile and tap on the Create New Route button.

How long does it take to find a 1% Pokémon? ›

Well logically it would be an average of 1 in 100 encounters. Some people will find it under 15 encounters, some other will go through 700 encounters before they find it...

How rare is extremely rare in Pokémon Planet? ›

Encounter Rate
Base RateGM
Very Rare1/600 (0.166%)1/400 (0.25%)
Extremely Rare1/5,000 (0.02%)1/3,333 (0.03%)
Legendary1/125,000 (0.0008%)1/83,333 (0.0012%)
Shiny1/8,192 (0.012%)1/6,826 (0.0146%)
4 more rows

How do I find a Pokémon nest in my area? ›

Pokemon nests appear randomly in the game so they are sometimes challenging to find. It is very essential to find nests because these are the spawn points where pokemon pop up from time to time. You can find them by using an online radar or walking around. When you find a nest, stay there and confirm that it is a nest.

How do I get Pokestop in my area? ›

Submitting a Nomination
  1. First, go to an object or location that you think would make a good Wayspot.
  2. Tap the Main Menu button.
  3. Tap the Settings button.
  4. Tap Uploads.
  5. Tap the New PokéStop button to start the nomination.

How do you find Pokémon in rural areas? ›

Almost every rural area, or farm town has a Poke Stop, or at least there will be one within driving distance. For me, this is near some ponds and woods where, fortunately, there are also hiking trails.

How do you find regions in Pokémon GO? ›

The easiest way is to go to the bag, pin an unsent gift, and see which Vivillon Collection Medal updates. The second way is also relatively simple. Above all the Vivillon Collection Medals is a magnifying glass, and clicking on it brings up a map of Earth with each pattern mapped onto each Region.


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