Report of the WMO Expert Team Mission for On-Site Assessment for Upgrading/Strengthening (2025)

Report of the WMO Expert team mission for on-site assessment for upgrading/strengthening national GTS components of NMC Dhaka, Bangladesh

Date of the mission: July 26 to 29, 2005

Experts:Mr. Mahesh C. Rastogi, India Meteorological Department

Mr. Takahiro Saito, Japan Meteorological Agency

  1. Technical survey of the current implementation and operation status of the national GTS components including:
  1. Message Switching System and/or Workstation

Existing Computer Message Switching System (CMSS) was developed by Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) in 1999.This system is duplicated but one of them is out of function. This system is based on HP UNIX workstation (see p. 5, top left).

  1. GTS Link

i. Technical specifications

The link to RTH New Delhi is being operated over a 2.4 kbps analogue leased line with X.25 protocol (upgrade to 64 kbps under process). This analogue link has a problem of frequent outage.

ii. Contract with telecom carriers

Contract with Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board(BTTB) for maintenance and operation of the link.

iii. Recurrent costs

Yearly charge is USD 55,000.

3.GTS related Satellite based component

MDD system, which was supplied by India Meteorological Department (IMD), is out of order since 2-3 years.

4. GTS operation

i. Number of operators and their working system

4 telecommunication engineers and 13 supervisor/operators work on roaster round the clock.

ii. Technical skill

The operators are semi skilled.

iii. Tools for link watch and logging

No tools at the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) end are available. BTTBmaintains the circuit mainly with analogue type of small instruments.

  1. National communication interfaces with national entities

Basically collection of observational data from observing stations in Bangladesh is performed on HF SSB network. A number of 50 baud teleprinter circuits are being operated to link NMC Dhaka with selected branch offices (Bogra, Ishurdi, Sylhet, Chittagong, Cox's Bazar), Zia International Airport in Dhaka and some organizations. Radar sites (Dhaka, Rangpur, Khepupara, Cox's Bazar) are also connected with NMC Dhaka through dedicated links. Image data including radar composite maps are delivered via UHF links to Flood Forecasting & Warning Center (FFWC), Zia International Airport and so on. Details are given in the attached diagrams (see pp. 5 - 6).

  1. Internet availability
  1. Connection capability

Dial up connection.

  1. Firewall

No firewall.

  1. Segregation from the GTS

No connection.

  1. In-house network
  1. Configuration with the IP addressing scheme

Block diagram attached (see p. 7). Private addresses are in use.

  1. Security policy

No security policy.

  1. GTS and ICT maintenance:
  2. Number of technicians and/or outsourced support (e.g. contracts)

4 engineers are working on maintenance of the GTS workstation. The engineers are not trained in hardware maintenance & software development.

Annual maintenance contract is not given to any firm. However BoM, Australia supports the systems in case of need.

  1. Technical skill

a) One senior communication engineer having Master of Engineering degree in electrical and electronic engineering.

b)One communication engineer having Bachelor degree in electrical and electronic engineering & two assistant communication engineers having Master degree in applied physicsand electronics are available for operation & maintenance of GTS link.

These engineers are not having any experience in network management.

9Current relation between GTS-MSS and Tsunami Warning system

BMD receives Tsunami Watch message from RTH New Delhi on GTS link. However there is no facility to generate audio/visual alarm on reception of the message.

10. Evaluation of results of TWI distribution test on 7, 8 April 2005

On 8th April the Tsunami warning message could not be received by BMD as Dhaka-New Delhi GTS link was down.


i.Electrical Supply condition


ii.Telephone network, cellular phone network and data network providers




  1. Identification of and specifications for highest priority upgrades needed for urgent strengthening of national GTS components to meet IO-TWS interim phase requirements, i.e. reception and use of IO-Tsunami Watch messages and related-information;

It is needed with highest priority to install a PC based MSS with relevantcapability to generate audio/visual alarm on reception of Tsunami Watch messages and related information. This MSS will take over function of the existing CMSS regarding communication with RTH New Delhi and will exchange meteorological messages including Tsunami Watch information with branch offices and national authorities in accordance with improvement plans of BMD telecommunication system.

  1. Consolidation of the national data exchange requirements related to Multi-Hazard Early Warning, especially IO-TWS, Including:

12. Reception and handling of IO-TWS warning and information

There are strong requirements for automatically forwarding such information to national authorities concerned and BMD branch offices in coastal area as soon as received from RTH New Delhi.

13. Reception and handling of related data, as required (e.g. tidal gauges data, seismic data)

A project has been taken up for reception and handling of seismic data by BMD. Tidal gauge data from Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) needs to be transmitted to BMD on a real-time basis for monitoring Tsunami and surge due to cyclones.

14. National data collection and retransmission, as required;

Collection and retransmission of warnings and related information are required in the same way as done using the existing national networks shown in the item A-5 above. There is a future plan to upgrade these networks which will be connected to the MSS.

  1. Development of the technical requirements, technical specifications and cost estimates for the full project for upgrading/ strengthening GTS components of NMS, including:

15. NMC Message Switching System and Workstation

Duplicated MSS (PC based) with automatic changeover. The system should have the following specifications:

i.TCP/IP socket communication software for nine endpoints connected through seven 64 kbps circuits (to RTH New Delhi and six domestic regional centers) and LAN.

ii.Forwarding messages to at least nine terminals through leased line, dial-up, FAX, email and SMS.

iii.Forwarding messages to two local printers.

iv.Message switching software, including

-Automatic relay of messages to connected circuits/terminals/printers selectively according to a routing table which can be easily updated,

-Manual relay of messages to connected circuits/terminals/printers selectively,

-Compilation of observational reports according to fixed lists of stations at scheduled times,

-Input of a message on key board and sending it to selected circuits.

v.Audio/visual alarm on reception of any messages identified by their abbreviated headings.

vi.Data storage should be available for at least one week.

vii.UPS for 30 minutes at least.

Estimated cost for purchase and installation of MSS including training is around USD 146,000.

16. NMC GTS links

Upgradeof the GTS link to RTH New Delhi from 2,400 bps to 64 kbps is under process. BTTB is expected to provide the new 64 kbps link by August 2005. Expected recurrent cost for the new link is cheaper than the current 2,400 bps link.

17. NMC GTS related satellite-based components

Direct Satellite based link between Storm Warning Center Dhaka and IMD RTH New Delhi may be restored.

  1. Possible national data-communication components (e.g. provincial centres)

Dhaka, Chittagong, Bogra, Sylhet, Barisal and Khulna regional telecommunication centers are proposed to be established and these 6 centers will be connected to the MSS at a speed of 64 kbps with TCP/IP socket protocol. Zia International Airport will also be connected via the existing microwave link. The MSS and the existing CMSS will be connected via LAN. Seismological Center and Climate Center have a plan to connect to the MSS also via LAN.

  1. National communication interfaces with national entities involved in Early Warning and Emergencies:

At least 9 organizations (e.g. Prime Minister Office, Cyclone Preparedness Program, Disaster Management Bureau, BIWTA, TV and Radio stations) will be connected with the MSS for dissemination of Tsunami Watch messages and related information by appropriate telecommunication means from leased line, dial-up, FAX, email and SMS.

  1. Training and capacity building:

The training and capacity building are required in large scale.

  1. When developing the project, special attention should be given to the impact on recurrent costs in order to facilitate sustainable operation, e.g. priority to satellite-based components (such as RETM-Africa, EUMET Cast):
  1. Preliminary administrative coordination with a view to the implementation of the project:

Focal point for Bangladesh Meteorological Department:

Mr. Md. Akram Hossain


Tel: +88-02-8116634

Fax: +88-02-8118230


Telecom carriers and vendors who were contacted on this mission to seek suggestions for possible upgrade of telecommunication capabilities of the Met. Department and for cost estimates:

Telecom carriers:

BTTB, Dhaka

MSS vendors:

Mr. Erick Nuwendam

Corobor Systèmes, Vitry, France

Tel: +33 1 45 73 60 60


Mr. Vlado Klimovsky

IBL Software Engineering, Bad Soden a. Ts., Germany

Tel: +49 69 8062 2573

Fax: +49 61 9623 176

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Report of the WMO Expert Team Mission for On-Site Assessment for Upgrading/Strengthening (2025)


What are the reports of the WMO? ›

The WMO report also provides information on long term climate change indicators. These indicators include the rise in sea levels, the extent of sea ice and concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Other reports published by the WMO are: Status of World Climate.

What is the WMO summary? ›

WMO is the United Nations system's authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the land and oceans, the weather and climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources.

What is the WMO vision and mission? ›

WMO provides world leadership and expertise in international cooperation in the delivery and use of high-quality, authoritative weather, climate, hydrological and related environmental services by its Members, to improve the well-being of all.

What was the goal of WMO? ›

WMO facilitates the free and unrestricted exchange of data and information, products and services in real- or near-real time on matters relating to safety and security of society, economic welfare and the protection of the environment.

What does WMO stand for? ›

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for promoting international cooperation on atmospheric science, climatology, hydrology and geophysics.

What are the activities of WMO? ›

Activity Areas
  • Agricultural Meteorology.
  • Aviation.
  • Community Platform.
  • Education and Training Programme (ETRP)
  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Services (GMDSS)
  • Health.
  • Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme (IMOP)
  • Marine Services.

Which of the following are the functions of WMO? ›

  • Build resilience.
  • Deliver services.
  • Develop capacities and competencies.
  • Exchange data.
  • Inform.
  • Model.
  • Observe and monitor.
  • Research.

What is the WMO strategic plan? ›

The WMO Strategic Plan articulates the high-level vision, mission, core values and overarching priorities of the Organization. It outlines a set of long-term goals and strategic objectives with a 2030 horizon as well as identifies areas of focus for the 2024-2027 financial period.

What is the structure of the WMO? ›

WMO comprises the World Meteorological Congress, the Executive Council, regional associations, technical commissions and the Secretariat. Additional bodies are established by Congress. The World Meteorological Congress is WMO highest decision-making body.

What are the visions and missions? ›

What are mission and vision statements? A mission statement defines the organization's business, its objectives, and how it will reach these objectives. A vision statement details where the organization aspires to go.

What is the role of WMO in climate change? ›

WMO coordinates the study of the climate, its variations, extremes and trends and collaborates with partners worldwide to study the socio-economic climate impacts that support evidence-based decision-making to manage risks and adapt to a changing climate.

Who funds WMO? ›

WMO's regular budget, approved by the World Meteorological Congress, is funded by “assessed contributions” from each Member State.

What is the report released by the WMO? ›

Recently, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has released its State of the Global Climate 2023 report, which highlights that the heat content of the world's oceans reached a record high in 2023.

What are the governing bodies of WMO? ›

  • Congress.
  • Executive Council.
  • Regional Associations.
  • Technical Commissions and Research Board.

What is the WMO state of the climate report? ›

The WMO report confirmed that 2023 was the warmest year on record, with the global average near-surface temperature at 1.45 °Celsius (with a margin of uncertainty of ± 0.12 °C) above the pre-industrial baseline. It was the warmest ten-year period on record.

What are the WMO climate indicators? ›

The Global Climate Indicators are a set of parameters that describe the changing climate without reducing climate change to only temperature. They comprise key information for the most relevant domains of climate change: temperature and energy, atmospheric composition, ocean and water as well as the cryosphere.

Who finances the WMO? ›

WMO's regular budget, approved by the World Meteorological Congress, is funded by “assessed contributions” from each Member State.


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.